- Why should boxing be avoided? (Choose one. 为什么要避免装箱?(单选)
- Why should you be so interested in my affairs? 你为何对我的事这么感兴趣?
- The quotation of very long passages should be avoided. 应该避免摘引非常长的段落。
- All such familiarities should be avoided. 这种失礼的举动都该避免。
- Inhalation of dust should be avoided. 应避免吸入粉末。
- Why should you be so early today? 今天怎么来得这么早?
- Re- brush wet area must be avoided. 避免重刷油漆未干的地方。
- Why should those decisions be left with her? 为什么那些决定应该让她来作?
- Complicated frame structures should be avoided. 应避免使用复杂的资讯框结构。
- Why should I get up at this unearthly hour? 为什麽我得这麽早起床?
- Negative ambiguity should be avoided. 摘要消极的歧义需要加以避免。
- Why should I trouble to explain it all? 为什麽我得费事都解释一遍呢?
- Undue skin contact should be avoided. 皮肤要避免和该材料的不当接触。
- Why should we submit to be ruled by such a king? 我们为什么要受这样一个国王的统治呢?
- Cashews rich in saturated fat, should be avoided. 腰杲饱和脂肪太多,应当避免食用。
- Why should we give you special treatment? 凭什麽要我们对你特殊照顾?
- Direct cutting on stone should be avoided. 避免直接在石上切割。
- Speculation and gambling should be avoided. 投机生意及赌博应该被避免。
- Why should software be any different? 为什么软件就应该有不同呢?
- That overexertion should be avoided is certain. 应避免过度操劳,这是肯定的。